The Sims™ 3 Community Blog
: March 2012
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We invited Simmers to share their funniest caption for this screenshot on our Facebook. Here are some of our favorites!

"if he pukes rainbows, i am NOT cleaning it up"

She wished for a rainbow. He made one :3

"One more outburst like this and I quit!"

"Well i hope HE does windows..."

Why wwwhhhyy cant u just do my dry cleaning

"I told her not to clean one thing...ONE THING! the lamp; and what does she do"

Maid: "Oh, sir, your Sims 3 Showtime package arrived today."

""i wanted hot tea and you brought me warm tea! NOW FEEL MY RAGE!!

‎"ok no more polishing the lamps"


‎"BAM! and the dirt is gone!!"

"I'm NOT cleaning that up."

maid: "this is the last time i clean for these people"

She's obviously hoping those pink sparkles don't stain the carpet. She probably just vacuumed that rug

"But I wanted the last flaming fruit pancake!"

"Really?!? You're wearing wedge heels and a mini skirt to CLEAN A HOUSE?!? GAH! Your lack of common sense makes me sick!"
*Genie vomits*
Maid: "....I better get paid extra for this."

maid: "I know they wanted the house sparkling clean.... but this is ridiculous!"

‎"I've told you a thousand times already, YOU CAN'T WISH FOR MORE WISHESSSS"

‎"All I said was I felt I deserved a raise, you're over reacting"

"ill give you three wishes if you clean my house.."

Maid: "I don't know about this... that seems like a lot of energy to get one little penny from behind my ear..."

Genie: "OK, I will grant your wish that the house would clean itself forever.”
Maid: “Yesssssss!!!"

11:34 PM
Posted by: SimGuruHydra